Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Principality of Sturgia »
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The Principality of Sturgia
Ruler: Prince Raganvad
Capital: Revyl
Sturgia's Banner
Sturgia is a realm of traders and adventurers from the far north. It's the predecessor of the Kingdom of Vaegirs, though it also contains many references to the Kingdom of Nords.note
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In General
- Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Of the Kievan Rus' with some touches of Nords note with both a strong commercial ethic as well as a pechant for raiding.
- Weapon Specialization: High-tier Sturgian infantry stand out as favoring axes as their bladed weapons of choice, which actually gives them an advantage in melee due to axes being able to quickly break down enemies' shields. Many of their nobles also carry two-handed axes as part of their kit.
The ruling clan of Sturgia led by Prince Raganvad.
In General
The Grand Prince of Sturgia and the leader of the Gundaroving clan. Was present at the Battle of Pendraic, but remained in the rear while his father fought on the front line. With the latter's death in battle Raganvad stepped in to take his place as the Grand Prince of Sturgia.
- Cadre of Foreign Bodyguards: While not actually present in game Raganvad is immediate blood kin with the leadership of the Skolderbrotva through his mother and allegedly can call on them at any time, something which helps him maintain his title despite the misgivings of the other ruling kynaz.
- Glory Hound: His lingering resentment over not being involved in the actual fighting at the Battle of Pendraic has led him to develop an obsession with gaining glory for himself to both maintain his hold over Sturgia as well as escape his father's shadow.
- Smug Snake: His sneering, swaggering behavior following the Battle of Pendraic, despite not having fought himself, managed to alienate both the Kuloving Clan as well as the entire Battanian realm, something Godun is quick to advise the player about.
In General
Patriarch of the Vagiroving clan. Was present at the Battle of Pendraic.
In General
In General
In General
In General
In General
In General
Olek the Old
Olek the Old
- Old Master: Was old enough for his grown son to fight alongside him at the Battle of Pendraic and personally took the Dragon Banner from the dead emperor's hands. He also refused to take any crap from Raganvad, smashing the banner when the latter tried to take it for himself before laughing in his face.
- Posthumous Character: Died shortly after the Battle of Pendraic along with his eldest daughter, leading his son to take up his mantle as Kynaz and patriarch of the Kulovings.
Kynaz of the Sturgians and current patriarch of the Kuloving clan. Both he and his father fought at the Battle of Pendraic.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Delivers one against Raganvad to the player, insulting him as a braggart and coward due to his inaction at the Battle of Pendraic and subsequent insulting behavior toward his father.
- The Resenter: Harbors a lot of ill will toward Raganvad due to the insults he levied against Olek the Old at the Battle of Pendraic.
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Line Breakers
Line Breakers
- Achilles' Heel: Their lack of shield and middling armor means ranged units can massacre them with impunity unless they're covered by other units.
- Death or Glory Attack: As their name implies their best use is rushing enemy shield walls, using their heavy axes to swiftly kill the enemy front line. Given their lack of defense this either results in a swift breakdown of enemy ranks, or a pile of dead Sturgians.
Hardened Brigands
Hardened Brigands
Varyag Veterans
Varyag Veterans
Tier 5
Heavy Spearmen
Heavy Spearmen
- Anti-Cavalry: While their performance against other Tier 5 infantry is somewhat lackluster, between their heavy armor, spears, and shields the Heavy Spearmen can hard counter nearly every cavalry unit in the game if properly positioned. It's not uncommon to see even Tier 6 noble cavalry die in droves when smashed against a Heavy Spearman line.
Heavy Axemen
Heavy Axemen
- Anti-Infantry: On the flipside of their Heavy Spearman counterparts, their short one-handed and throwing axes make them a poor counter to enemy horsem*n, but absolutely devastating against enemy infantry being able to break their own shields with ease while hitting hard and fast.
- Simple, yet Awesome: Just a big guy with an axe and shield wearing heavy chainmail, and an utter juggernaut on the field against enemy infantry.
Heroic Line Breakers
Heroic Line Breakers
- Achilles' Heel: Ranged units are still the bane of Heroic Line Breakers, with their heavier armor and own throwing axes not enough to compensate.
- Death or Glory Attack: They still don't carry a shield, so any attack that doesn't result in a quick rout of the enemy usually means high casualties, but their heavier armor and better weapons means the odds are slightly better for the former.
- Lightning Bruiser: Have a whopping 150 Athletics skill, allowing them to outrun most other infantry despite their heavy weapons and armor.
Horse Raiders
Horse Raiders
Veteran Bowmen
Veteran Bowmen
Tier 6
Druzhinnik Champions
Druzhinnik Champions
- Bling of War: While not nearly as pronounced as the Elite Cataphracts, with their plumed helmets and polished lamellar the Druzhinik Champions' armor is distinctly more ornate than the typical utilitarian Sturgian chainmail.
- Lightning Bruiser: Like all Tier 6 noble cavalry the Druzhinik Champion is heavily armed, heavily armored, and can charge across an entire battlefield in no time flat.